tame. resilient. footprint
focus on climate resilience
Strengthening defences against the changing climate
Helping communities reduce disruptions brought about by weather events
rooted connections
Exploring living solutions for a regenerative future
Living solutions: Empowering communities to thrive amidst a changing world through the wisdom of indigenous traditions
Join this holistic journey of self-discovery and community empowerment. Gain an understanding of navigating societal shifts while rediscovering your personal and cultural identity.
the mbura experiment
Focus on climate awareness. how many micronations (tribes) have climate knowledge in their native language?
For rural sub-Saharan communities, our experiment offers an opportunity for them to access climate knowledge through their native counterparts who speak English.But first, we plan to map out the rural communities that have climate knowledge in their native languages.
To do this, we need your help!
feature by facing future tv
climate justice demanded by the global south
We welcome a different kind of climate justice discourse, where the vulnerable in the global south (the rural and remote, that lack access to climate facts) are offered the climate science. They understand their pain best. They shouldn't suffer unaware.While we wait on loss and damage facilitation (or even more on point, fossil fuel nonproliferation), there are communities, natural and cultural assets, domestic and wild animals that will in that time, be lost. There needs to be a better course of action that involves the factual understanding of climate change. So that we put 'power' back in the hands of those who need it the most.
feature by the sky news daily podcast
Women and the climate: Is there a gender imbalance?
In the company of women who are proper champions, Christiana Figueres who brokered the Paris Agreement and Anne Karpf, a well seasoned journalist who authored 'How women can save the planet', Stella, 34, who designed a flash flood early warning system for rural Kenya, discusses how those in the "Global South" are most affected by the climate crisis.This was part of the Sky News Daily Podcast series "shattering the glass ceiling", where other women making their mark across the world joined the conversation- looking at the impact women are making on society.
climate change primer series
"how to communicate climate change so you can inspire action"
For those who'd like to learn more about climate change or simply join the conversation, we did this 'easy to access' & free class that can help you on your journey.